Get ready to fear the dark: Midnighters preps for its world premiere
In advance of Monday's world premiere at the LA Film Festival, Graystone Pictures and Katrina Wan PR have released the first official trailer for Midnighters.
Check it out!
Horror fans, it’s time to rejoice. There’s a new, original vision coming soon that we guarantee you’re going to enjoy.
Midnighters, the first film by The Ramsay Brothers, is set for its world premiere this Monday, June 19 at the LA Film Festival.
It’s the first feature for Julius Ramsay, a director and editor on AMC’s The Walking Dead and MTV’s Scream: The TV Series, and the first screenplay for Alston Ramsay, a former speechwriter for Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and General David Petraeus.
Midnighters stars Alex Essoe (Starry Eyes), Ward Horton (Annabelle, The Wolf of Wall Street), Dylan McTee (MTV’s Sweet Vicious) and Perla Haney-Jardine (Steve Jobs).
Set on New Year’s Eve in the rural backwoods of New England, Lindsey and Jeff Pittman (Essoe and McTee) find themselves in a terrible predicament that slowly spirals out of control. BVB: Blood Violence and Babes was honored to watch a sneak preview of Midnighters, but we also had to sign a blood oath not to divulge anything about the movie ahead of its premiere.
Even better, we got to speak to Essoe, one of our most favorite genre actresses, by phone about trying to stay alive in the thrilling, wildly unpredictable world that the Ramsay Brothers have created.
And we get to offer a sneak peek of our own, boils and ghouls.
A little coppery taste of blood to whet your appetites.
Remember to stay tuned right here at BVB to find out more about Midnighters and when it should be available for you to check out in theaters and on Video-on-Demand.

But, for now, savor this delicious tidbit from Lindsey herself:
BVB: So, let’s talk about Lindsey. Your character goes through a pretty significant arc, and it’s hinted at by other characters in the film that she’s someone who is used to being in the spotlight. I think your sister in the film says, you’re getting used to being in her shadow. But as viewers, we don’t really get a sense of Lindsey’s true ability to handle a situation until she subdues Smith. I was wondering, how did you approach that evolution of being this very traditional working female character who then suddenly mid-film becomes a badass?
Alex Essoe: (Laughing) I find it very interesting, the idea of the sort of repressed personality. You know, the type of person in a movie who doesn’t acknowledge where she came from. She barely told her husband she even had a sister. I mean, she waited until they had been dating for a while before she even mentions that. So, she’s very passive, and very passive-aggressive, and she doesn’t express herself easily, not even to her husband. You know, she can’t even say, ‘You have to get your shit together.’ She’s like round about, nice little…and for a while, she kind of let’s Jeff take the reins on this whole crazy thing. And I think it has a lot to do with her trying to make herself into the person, this life, that in her mind she thinks she wants because she comes from the trailer park with her terrible mother and her terrible boyfriend. She doesn’t want to associate with that. She doesn’t want that to be part of her identity. The other thing that’s interesting about Lindsey – everybody reaches a boiling point, you know, especially in movies, that’s where the drama is. But with Lindsey, I think, because she’s spent so much time controlling herself and reigning herself in, she doesn’t really put up a lot of a fight when this new side of her emerges. She kind of just lets it happen and embraces that part of herself, albeit under very extreme circumstances.
BVB: Sure, absolutely.

AE: But she doesn’t allow herself to be a victim later in the film, you know? Earlier on, she’s freaking out and she’s sad and she throws up and she's – all of these things – but when she’s personally attacked, and she has that – and spoiler alert for anyone – by Ward’s character, it’s such a cool moment. It’s almost as if that interaction sort of gave her permission to be who she really is, this side of herself that she’s been denying all of these years. And she just kind of slips right into it, which I found very sort of unnerving, you know? Which is why it’s so easy for her to – Oh, I don’t want to give anything away with the end…
Photos courtesy of Graystone Pictures and Katrina Wan PR.